• Twenty-Something

    If you’re not in the worst bar you do manage to be at the wrong bar. The love of your life is across town and you know it, dancing to a song you never heard because you aren’t there to hear it for the first time.”

  • My Tender Heart My Open Wound

    Even with the knowledge it is possible to be loved deeply, to share my languages, the way I know love will happen I feel this culture forcing me inward. Yes, I’m sure I will be loved, but I don’t know how to love because I have so much of it.

  • This Small Cafed On Purpose

    I could ask if I really wanted to / but I realize time is up, I knew the answer anyway, we were great.

  • When I See You I See Myself Looking Back

    Knowing the morning routine is not the same as knowing a birthday or a favorite color. The mundane is a witnessing that encompasses a being. Who knows you on a Tuesday? Wednesday? Who knows me at 1:00 pm and in February?