Chloe Williams Chloe Williams

Caffeine and the Parking Lot Brain

You can imagine your brain like a busy parking lot. There are only so many parking spots to be had and most people aren’t good at parking so with what space is left it’s hard to fit into. Adenosine is like a smart car

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Chloe Williams Chloe Williams

Understand Your Label

The general recommendation made by dermatologists is at least 30 SPF. If, however, you were to buy 60 SPF you’re not twice as protected. Instead, you are protected twice as long.

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Chloe Williams Chloe Williams

Pandemic Art’s Main Stage: The Street

Despite the closing of public spaces, art originally intended for galleries and music halls has managed to overflow into the city’s streets. Various bands, such as Break Down Brass, have become accessible to a crowd who might not consider seeing a brass band live.

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Chloe Williams Chloe Williams

Infographics, Tik Tok and the Gen Z Guide to Voting

On sites such as Tik Tok, an app geared towards younger audiences, accounts such as @everydaylaw provide voter education to 524,000 followers. Videos you can find on this account include how to make sure your ballot isn’t thrown out.

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