everything lost between days

our stomachs sunk into the mattress cheeks flat on the blanket 

with arms at our side we forgot that it was now a new day.

How easy it is to misplace what midnight means, and each hour

falling away after quicker than the last. But who could blame us?

as our eyes became blocked by the swell in the comforter 

while our faces fell deeper into it, talking out to a tinted blue room

made exclusive by mornings. You explained across our six inch

gap what it meant to be an older brother. So I forgot,

Forgot the subways which came at regular intervals, 

the many books I’d read, stacked in the corner with quotes 

that told me everything I needed to know about kissing, their

dog eared pages. I forgot my roots growing out on my head, 

the microscopic lines by my mouth made of years spent 

smiling and shocked. I forgot even who you were, 

by which I knew almost nothing. I instead focused on 

the fact your face was blue from a night so late It was morning. 

Unbeknownst to me a train juttered out of the station 

Onto the next. Its screeching sound pierced dark sky

Before fading even further into the back of our minds-- 

Its passengers along with it, easing towards manhattan, 

So far into tomorrow, there was no doubt we’d ever catch up.


all the lovely quiets of the world